Friday, January 14, 2011


Click to Download
This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad.

Category: Games
Jan 12, 2011
Version: 3.3.2
5.3 MB
Seller: Affogato LLC

© 2009 Affogato LLC


REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.1 or later
Strategery, Macworld's 2009 App Gems Award winner for Best Strategy Game, has been completely overhauled for version 3.1! "There is no game I play on my iPhone more than Strategery," writes Lex Friedman.

Strategery is a fast-paced game of world domination, designed and built from top to bottom for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. Play against the computer or your friends in an epic battle of strategy and risk.

"Strategery offers depth that can—and will—claim hours of your time."
- Macworld

"My latest iPhone gaming habit is Strategery"
- Slate Magazine

"Lots of fun and the gameplay has a great feel."
- Daring Fireball


• Challenging game of offensive and defensive strategy
• Play for a couple minutes or a couple hours (it's pretty addictive)
• Four difficulty settings, ranging from "Easy" (for the strategically impaired) to "Brutal" (risk being humiliated)
• Online battles with push notifications and random matchmaking!
• Pass-and-play multiplayer (up to 5 players)
• Automatically saves your game to resume later
• Randomly generated maps (four sizes) make every game a unique challenge
• TONS of gameplay options to tailor the game to your preferences
What's new in Version 3.3.2
Kinder GameCenter integration -- allows you to disable the popups if you don't use it
Fixed issue allowing you to surrender for a computer, during their turn.